16 September, 2010

First Day of School

The title says it all.

Today was the first day of school.

I finally was reunited with my friends whom I barely talked to during the summer vacation. It was really exciting. I mean, sure, I woke up at 6 AM, and was half asleep when I arrived to school, but I got to see mah friendiez. ßAwesome. :3

Anyway, we kept talkin' and talkin' and talkin' (we girls do that all the time. It's not a weird thing).

Then, the bell rang, and we finally got rid of that 1000 year old music tape that was playing over and over and over again―Squeaky music? Sappy? I don't know... I can't find the best word to describe it actually.

It was turning out as a pretty good day. Until. . .

. . .Until we discovered that our posy has been separated among three sections―A, B, and C. I got separated from my two best-est friends, Joujou and Loulou. I'm now in section B, Loulou's in section A, and Joujou's in section C. Though, I'm going to move to Joujou's section. Loulou's gonna do that too.

Today―of course―we couldn't switch classes. Our parents should talk to the administration first, for them to change our classes and all that jazz. (No, our principal ain't the president of the United States. . . Not sure if she thinks so, but I'm sure she ain't.)

I entered my class. It's big, decorated, and all the fans and lights work! No burned lamps...

Our math teacher was the one to greet us when we first came into the class. (By the way, she's the same teacher who used to teach us last year).

As always, she introduced herself along with the subject and what we're going to take this year, then the students introduced themselves to her.

She distributed papers and asked us to write any question that pops into our minds, and  hand them to her. It's some sort of a game, where she redistributes the papers randomly and the students should then open the papers, read the questions, and try to answer them.

The question I received was: "Cries but doesn't have eyes. Flies but doesn't have wings. What is it?"

It's obvious that the answer is: "The Cloud."

My question was: "How does the laptop's cooling system work?"

Unfortunately, no one was able to answer it. *facepalm*

I mean, sheesh ya'll! It ain't hard! Don't they watch 'How does it work' on the Discovery Channel? Wait... never mind. (I'm sure they don't―too superficial to do it. xP)

The second game was interesting as well. Miss F. handed each girl (yes, boys leave school when we reach 10th grade) a paper including some questions; 3 parts, each part's made of 7 questions.

Here are the questions:

I- 1) I love to read books, stories, and magazines.
   2) I like to read instructions instead of hearing them.
   3) I write a grocery list before going to the store.
   4) I forget names but remember the names.
   5) I prefer my house to be clean and tidy.
   6) I like to see presentations and graphs.
   7) I prefer face to face meetings.

II- 1) I love to listen to music.
    2) I like to hear comments, orally.
    3) I always talk while thinking.
    4) I forget recognize peoples' faces but remember names.
    5) Noise and voices irk me.
    6) I like to hear dialogue between people.
    7) I don't like to use maps as guides to the right path.

III- 1) I like to walk and move while doing my work.
     2) I use body and hand gestures a lot.
     3) I always like to go outdoors.
     4) When I listen to music, I tap on the table with my finger.
     5) I remember mostly everything I did with others.
     6) I ignore instructions and directly skip to performing work.
     7) I get distracted by the activities and actions surrounding me.

So, here's how this test works:

You read each question, and rate it according to you. (1-5: 1 being the lowest, and 5 being the highest). Then, add the numbers together. (i.e: you answered the 7 questions in the first part. you got... let's say... 3, 4, 1, 5, 5, 2, 5. You add them all together, and write the score aside). Same thing applied to the second and third parts. (each part has its own score). The group with the highest score determines the best way that you learn/ grasp information through. (Why am I feelin' that this sentence makes no sense?)

Anyways, you get the concept.

Highest score in group:

I- Best way to learn is via sight. (you prefer to use your eyes in the learning process).

II- Best way to learn is via hearing. (you prefer to use your ears to hear things around you and learn new things).

III- Best way to learn is via body movements and gestures.

I'm a member of group I, though, I learn via hearing and gestures as well. Meh...

So you see, it was a pretty interesting day. We spend the rest of the time having random conversations with Miss F.

I'm now still waiting for my parents to talk to the principal - I want to get transferred to my friend's class so bad.

So, I have 3 days vacation now. I'll post something new soon.

Adios for now.

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