15 September, 2010


Howdy. *tips hat*

I'm Light (No, my family name ain't Bulb. Pssh). I'm a fifteen-year-old weirdo who likes to eat yoghurt with practically anything.  

 (That's me.)

I thought doing this was more appealing to me than staring at the ceiling, or just sit down and watch my five-year old sister play Barbie Fashion Show. Whenever I'm having writer's/artist's block (laziness to be exact), need a break from studying (yes, I decided that I should actually study this year), or just don't know what to do in the gap between when I finish working and when I have to go to bed - I figured I'd blog.

I'm in grade 11. And I have normal (unlike myself) friends whom I like to sing Barney and Spacetoon's songs with during Sociology sessions.

Math sessions are mostly awful; I don't like math in general. Well, I can't say that there ain't some pretty interesting lessons, but all in all, I hate it. Bleh.

So, now, we move from my worst nightmares, to my best dream ever: drawing.

Drawing is my life. Awesome-est (my own dictionary) thing ever! It’s the purest form of art.
"Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad."

That was a random quote by Salvador Dali. But anyways. . .  I’m hopefully going to post some of my artwork later on.


Back to blogging.

It's a cool thing, and I've been wanting to blog since a while back, but never did. Until yesterday, I just pulled myself together and decided that I'm not going to feel what it's like―to blog―until I create my own blog and start posting. So, as you can see, I'm really adventurous. . . I'm wild! Always willing to take on challanges. Arrg―wait, I'm a cowgirl, not a pirate―Yeeha!

Yes, I'll be back later with a new post.

Glass pieces shattered outside. Peace out.

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